My Mind News

This is my brain. I'm pretty sure it's not on drugs.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Freaky Friday

The telephone rings and I answer.

"Shawn, my mom needs $200."

"Oh come on. Again?!?"

My fiancee's mother seriously needs to grow up. You'd think that her daughter was her own mother. This women acts just like a reckless teenager out of control:

1- Can't drop the loser drug dealing/addict boyfriend who steals from her
2- Spends all her money and has no clue where it goes
3- Constantly complains
4- Suffers from self induced depression
5- Completely selfish
6- Thinks the world should been backwards for her

And frankly, I'm tired of it. It's like every two weeks we get the call where we have to toss more money her way. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Krista and I are the young couple trying to survive in the world. Shouldn't we be asking her for the financial assistance? Who's raising who here?

If I had it my way, I'd just let her crash and burn and learn from her own mistakes. I mean she wants money from us, yet her 10 year old kid has all the newest and most expesnive toys. She's suffering from a lack of cash, yet she has the ultimate entertainment set complete with the best digital cable package offered in this area. And the craziest thing of it all....she makes twice as much as us. So what the hell is up?

Something has to give. This can't keep going on.


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