My Mind News

This is my brain. I'm pretty sure it's not on drugs.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Lose Weight. Feel Great. Try Not to Die.

My day is speckled with constant advertisements to enhance this, loss that, gain this, get rid of that. And the majority of them have all one thing in common when they advertise:

They use the key words.....All Natural.

Now for some reason, people rush to the checkout lines with their arms full of things because they are under the belief that if it's all natural, it has to be good. I mean heck, if God made dirt, then dirt don't hurt right?


Come on people let's get a bit smarter about the things we buy. I want to believe you're all logical in decisions, but at the promise of a bigger dick, firmer tits, and a body to fit in a size two dress you all seem to lose your damn sense.

But heck, I'm going to promote off this idocy too.

There's this drink I'm going to make. And guess what it's all natural. Completely straight from Mother Nature to your refrigerator. To make it easy, I'll even put it in liquid form. And this is going to be a miracle drink too. I'll give you all types of promises of miraculous changes from countless testimonies. Look for the drink in a store near you. It'll come in a flashy can, and I'll be sure to stamp, ALL NATURAL!!! right on the label. Even the name will be catchy, Urazzle Dazzle. But try not to look at the ingredient label. Cause even though this drink is all natural, you might not like the idea of it's main active ingredient: Uranium. Oh but, don't worry. If you don't want that I'll be sure to have my imitation Atkins Anthrax Bars to serve you to. Heck, I mean Anthrax is all natural it has to be good.

Be mindful of what you flock to. Cause if you're just one of the sheep, you'll never realize you stampeded off the cliff with the rest until it's too late.

'Nuff said.


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