My Mind News

This is my brain. I'm pretty sure it's not on drugs.

Monday, June 21, 2004

South Korea Did It Right

Well it looks like those terrorists are at it again with their lastest trend in slaughter - beheading. They just captured a South Korean who's scheduled to have his head taken off sometime today if the South Koreans do not withdraw their troops from Iraq and make no further efforts to bring in more troops.

How does South Korea respond? They pretty much told the terrorists, "Yeah, yeah, expect another 1000 troops to be arriving safely."

Now many would protest that the government has no heart for it's people. And many in South Korea are in fact doing that. So I'm sure you're thinking, "Why the hell is Shawn supporting such heartless government antics?"

The reason I simple. I believe that's the way to handle these terrorists. They think they can bully countries around by kidnapping someone and cutting off their heads. That's not the case at all. However, when government heads start issuing apologizes and prayers of sorrow for the innocent captured, they were feeding into the desires of the terrorists. It's essentially feeding them as they are getting the response that they are wanting. So what did South Korea do? They acted like they gave to squats about who the terrorists capture. It makes no difference in the fact that 1000 more troops are on their way.

Now think of it this way. These terrorists want foreign opposition out of the Middle East. And in attempting to make that happen they have been beheading folks. However, what if the opposite were to happen. And for every head that gets cut off another 1000 troops enter the Middle East.

You see my point? The beheadings effectively become useless as it's only creating more of a problem for them. And the more opposition they have to face, the greater likely they will be hunted down and either killed or jailed in some undisclosed location somewhere in the world.

So to all your terrorists out there. Go ahead and do your worse. In the end it's only building up the inevitable destruction of your pathetic forces.

For cripes sakes, the majority of those that have already committed the previous beheadings dating back to Daniel Pearle have already been jailed or killed.

Better luck next time. Maybe you should retread and do what Saddamm did in his last pitiful efforts - Challenge Bush to a formal duel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

These people think no differently than Mr. Bush. UN or no UN, Mr. Bush was going to attach Iraq for his own reasons. Similarly, with or without any stupid reason, these 'beheaders' are going to carry on with their own agendas. After all, why should they think rationally if the 'world's greatest economy' has not done so? No one has any right to criticize them any more than one does the US government.

11:26 PM  

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