My Mind News

This is my brain. I'm pretty sure it's not on drugs.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Psychological Profiteering Psychics

I am still amazed that people buy into psychics. I haven't ulimately ruled my decision on whether one actually has the ability to see things that others might not be able to see. Anything is possible. However, I have yet to see anything convincing.

Every Wednesday on Montel, he has his favorite guest reappear on a routine basis - Sylvia Brown. Apparently she has the ability to contact the spirit world and get in touch with deceased loved ones. In addition, she has the ability to see other odd things as well. As she talked with people in the audience, one thing was for certain....this lady don't know shit. I mean nothing at all. The only thing that she could predict or know were things that cannot possibly be validated by any measures. Or she plays by sheer numbers, for if she guesses enough times, she's bound to get lucky once in awhile.

This holds mainly true with her famed predictions. Here's a list of her 2000 predictions. I will follow up with her predictions for the next 100 years. I am not going to comment on every single one of her predictions, because you'll get the gist of it. There's nothing she's predicting that none of us couldn't guess on our own. So what does she do? She forgets all about the predictions that she was wrong about and glorifies the one or two that she got right.

Her 2000 Predictions.

-Interest rates will rise very slowly until Spring and then will level off and begin to go downward.

-Stocks stay pretty steady. The NASDAQ fluctuates up and down wildly in March, but the Dow stays pretty solid.

-Building everywhere from all corners of the State (CA) is at an all-time high.

-There will be a lot of purchasing of property in foreign countries by Americans and for the first time at such an all-time high.

-There is going to be a shake-up at American Airlines during January and February. American will also merge with Alaska Airlines.

-TWA is hanging on by a thread and will probably not last until the end of the year.

-Unemployment will be very low. There will be another acceleration of the minimum hourly wage by mid-year.

-New electronic companies are in the making now, but will really burst on the scene by late Fall. This is as a result of not only technical advances but also genetic research.

-The beginnings of a surge for a flat tax will be bantered around and come to some conclusion before the next election that will take us into 2001.

-Air travel reaches an all-time high, but because of overbookings and poor service, the airlines will need to revamp their scheduling practices. opps....someone didn't predict 9-11

-As in the 1940's and 50's, we are going to see a lot of small businesses flourish like the old Mom and Pop operations. When's this going to happen? All I'm seeing is Walmart, Costco, and Super K-Mart.

-There is a big upsurge in the population looking for more antiques and handmade articles than things that are mass-produced.

-There will be extensive monitoring of the internet that will be imposed to govern and reduce indiscriminate pornography. This will be drastically different from the filtering software available now, along with harsh regulation. No shit sherlock. It's just common sense to understand that Internet Porn in the end will be strictly regulated. This will no doubt come as more and more people turn to the Internet to retrieve information and not smutty porn. But heck, I must be a psychic too.

-There will be a definite crackdown by the Federal Government regarding frivolous lawsuits. This has been bantered around for a while, but now a definite crackdown is imposed.

-Sorry to say there will be three hurricanes that hit in rapid succession in the Fall, again around the Bahamas, then Mexico, Florida, and the Carolinas. Wrong

-Tornadoes touch down in Ohio in April and a devastating one touches down in Brownesville and San Antonio, Texas in the Spring. Any Texans around? Can you name me a single year that TX never got a tornado?

-An earthquake hits around the Niagara Falls area, small but significant because of where it is.

-There will be small earthquakes that hit around the Northern California area in January and February, nothing of significance.
Los Angeles registers a 5.3 earthquake in and around the valley in late March. News Flash, California experiences 100's of earthquakes a year. None of them are significant.

-Seattle area, around Olympia, gets a 4.9 earthquake around June. None of these earthquakes above are devastating.

-The warming trend continues and climates begin to change drastically even more than we have seen in the last ten years. Slyvia, perhaps if you never read the news and just came out of a isolated cave during the majority of your life, would I dare consider the possibility that you predicted this one. But since Global Warmning is has been a catch phrase for years, it's utterly shocking how you would predict this.

-Temperatures along the East Coast become milder and along the West Coast colder and more damp and also due in part to the polar tilt.Now tell us all what a polar tilt is.

-NASA finally cuts back on the space program realizing that every time they send up a space vehicle they are tearing the ozone layer.Absurd. Private industries are no even taking it to space. And I don't know....there's that one thing.....Mission to Mars.

-The midwestern U.S. has a big uprising because of some kind of polluted waste hazard. This has not been recognized at this point, but begins to surface around Branson.

-There is going to be a very definite detection of mines and some bombs that have not been detonated off the coast of Hawaii.

-Train wrecks will occur in France and England causing quite a bit of devastation in May.

-In June a major airline disaster is averted. Well you were right about the disaster. Except it came a year and some months later. And by the wasn't averted.

-An airline high-jacking is thwarted out of Florida in August.
Democrats will win the election with Bill Bradley, with close competition from the Reform Party.I'm mailing you a large rock. Once recieved, please smack it into your forehead for me. Thank you.

-New York crime continues to be at an all-time low, and crime across the country, including crime in schools seems to reach an all-time low.

-The one thing that is very frightening as we go into the millennium, and even though spirituality is at an all-time high, is that we will see more occult groups arising and people professing to be the Messiah. Still waiting on that one.

-Organized religion becomes gentler and kinder and more liberal, which goes along with spirituality and in keeping with Christ's words.

-We are approaching an age of innate goodness and acceptance and the philosophy of living and let live. People become more conscious of others like it was in the 1940's and 50's; e.g., when someone dies, people come together to help with a more community-like lifestyle. Families begin to band together as they once did.

-Elizabeth Taylor ends up back at the Betty Ford Center.

-Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston get married, but it lasts for only a short time.

-Gwyneth Paltrow marries an older man who is in the entertainment business, but not as well known as she. Lead singer of Cold Play. Around her age. That's who she married. And yeah, wasn't the year 2000 either.

-David Letterman decides to call it quits from his nightly late show after this year. Considering the fact that the man had major heart surgery in Jan. 2000, I would have thought this too. But then I recalled the fact that the man just sits on his ass for an hour cracking jokes every day.

-John Travolta has to be very careful flying his plane in February.As opposed to flying reckless all the time?

-Donald Trump buys another large hotel and goes into partnership with someone very well known in a production company.As opposed to Donald Trump never buying a thing and never merging or acquiring more companies?

-Neither Warren Beatty nor Donald Trump has any success in politics.

-Courtney Cox will get pregnant this year and have a baby boy.Four years later and it was a baby girl.

Heck Sylvia, you must be a psychic. Because after all of this you did get one right.....Warren Beatty and Donald Trump had no success in politics. But I guess you would first have to run for office to fail in politics. But whatever, you're the psychic, and I'm just the guy making random guesses.

Her Predictions for the next 100 years.

-Eradication of cancer as we know it, using sound waves, photo sensitive drug therapy, and "self-addicting" cells.

-Robotic houses, controlled by computerized switchboard.
Electrical cars with flotation ability for water travel to bypass freeways.Get out of here....Technology is still going to progress? Say it ain't so.

-Houses made from pressed paper with plastic coatings; interchangeable walls

-Separate body parts cloned for organ transplants; not an entire body.

-New form of painless tooth extraction, using a type of suction, with immediate replacement of new tooth.

-Diagnostic chambers which map the body's electrical balance to predict health problems before the come.

-Cylindrical rooms in which people enter to see an automated projection of the clothing and color that would look good on them; select what you want, take your measurements, then two days later pick up the goods.

-Third floor of houses have rollback roofs to allow Hovercrafts to come and go.

-No more surgery with knives. Some type of molecular ionization device that knows how to take out the afflicted cells then seal the wound without a single scar.

-Remolding of the whole face structure, to duplicate any look that you wish.

-New exercise equipment that you sit or stand in, and it literally stimulates your muscles with electricity to achieve the same effect as physical exercise.We tried that once already. Why don't we just start jiggling our fat in hopes of it to go away?

-Babies will be birthed in water all the time, with music, incense, and green and lavender lights.

-People will be able to simply "walk out" of their bodies upon death.

-There will be no US Presidency; our government will go back to a Greek Senate structure.

-No longer a single Pope, but a triumvirate of Popes, each assigned to a geographic collection of Catholics.

-Peace in the Middle East will prevail by 2050.

-West Coast goes under in 2026. Parts of the East Coast also get inundated. Tsunamis will wipe out a large portion of Japan. The Hawaiian Islands will have upheaval and be the site of a large new landmass.

-Atlantis will begin to show itself by 2023 and be fully visible by 2026.

-After 2050, the "Age of the Messiah" is upon us. People turn totally toward Spirituality, peace will rein for a long time. People will return to community living, loving each other, and working together.

-Treatment for depression and mood disorders will come from a "control chamber" that emits sensory stimulation gently to the brain, including certain smells, which will elevate mood.

-Medicine in pill form goes away; instead we have air-injected delivery through the skin.

-Atomic batteries will run cars.

-No more gas propelled rockets in space; we will have nuclear powered cylinder shaped objects that travel everywhere.

-A moon base is created for people to visit, and as a stopping place for further trips.Wait wait wait...what about all that ozone deteriation caused by space travel? What a fuckin' idiot...

-By 2055 most people will live in domed cities due to poor atmospheric conditions. Ah, I spoke to soon. However, it doesn't refute the fact that she's still a fuckin' idiot.

-A virtual reality headset will stimulate brain waves so people can learn whole libraries of information within hours.Yeah, I read Battlefield Earth too...even saw the movie.

-Giant fruits and vegetables will be grown in hothouse environments. The nutrients will be synthesized into a highly condensed injection.

-Proteins are developed without animal meat, very powerful, builds immune system.

-Addictions will be a thing of the past because of a brain stimulation, which eradicates all addictions, with no side effects.

-Execution for the death penalty will become a complete vaporization of the body.Another rock is now in the mail. You know what to do with it when it gets to you Sylvia. Thank you.

-No separate governments, one planetary government will form.

-Great earth changes will occur and germ warfare will be used before the world finds peace. But eventually from all of the bad comes good. The pendulum will swing back to humanity and love.

-No world war is coming, but lots of civil disorder and small skirmishes. No nuclear holocaust.

-Peace will last from 2050 until 2100, and then I see nothing beyond, which could mean "the end will come like a thief in the night."

-Toward the end of things, the veil separating our world from The Other Side will thin, so much so that most people will see decease loved ones and speak with their Spirit Guides.

-There will be many false prophets that rise up proclaiming to be Jesus on Earth, and try to lead people astray. We are already seeing this in the big rise of occultism.

-People will again find Spirituality, not so much in organized religion, but in the spiritual brotherhood of coming together and finding their Temple within.

-Four more comets will pass by before the end times.News Flash....thousands of comets fly by Earth all the time.

-Aliens will begin to show themselves in the year 2010, they will not harm us, they simply want to see what we are doing to this planet. They will teach us how to use anti-gravity devices again, such as they did for the pyramids.Another rock is in the mail. This one should do the trick if the first two I sent failed.

Here's my prediction for the next 100 years. We'll either be dead or dying to give two flying shits about Sylvia Brown's 100 years prediction.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to opt out of the whole walking-out-of-my-body-upon-death thing as I've been looking forward to floating. That's just me though.


2:28 AM  

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