Cro-Magnon Man
According to Wikipedia, Cro-Magnon man lived about 35,000 to 10,000 years ago in the Upper Paleothici period of the Pleistocene epoch. (Apparently, having difficult to pronounce names gives the illusion of significance in the scientific world.)
But anywho, I beg to differ. And don't think I'm on some creationist trip either. Granted, I might possibly believe the Earth to be young. But that shouldn't discredit the information I am about to share.
You see, I'm not on a rampage to prove evolutionists wrong. I just like to prove myself correct. And at last I have proof.
Cro-Magnon man didn't live 10,000+ years ago. That fucker still walks the Earth today. I seen him with my own eyes. So in a sense, I'm about to prove how both creationists and evolutionists are correct.
But anywho, I beg to differ. And don't think I'm on some creationist trip either. Granted, I might possibly believe the Earth to be young. But that shouldn't discredit the information I am about to share.
You see, I'm not on a rampage to prove evolutionists wrong. I just like to prove myself correct. And at last I have proof.
Cro-Magnon man didn't live 10,000+ years ago. That fucker still walks the Earth today. I seen him with my own eyes. So in a sense, I'm about to prove how both creationists and evolutionists are correct.
Johnny "Neanderthal" Damon is living proof that Cro-Magnon man exists. I mean, good God look at the size of that dude's head. If Johnny Damon died today, and I had some scientific nitwit undig his bones 10 years from now he would swear up and down he found the missing link.
I mean how ugly can a guy get? Everytime I see that man's face it makes me want to beat the piss out of my cat.
Careful what you say; he might just show up at your house one night with a big chunk of sharp rock.
Don't forget Luis Guzman
Definitely, he's not a cuttie... that's right. Anyway, you are nothing but a VERY unpolite and arrogant person to write such things.
You're a complete madman. If Cro Magnons still existed don't you think scientists would have noticed the extraordinairy genetic variation that would exist in western europeans? And please, don't beat your cat.
I think you are crazy. First of all Cro Magnons DNA has been proved to be different. I know this and I am only 11 years old. And the first comment is right. They would have noticed MAJOR differences in genetic patters. Cro Magnons have a different set of DNA and they had different ways of life. YOU NEED TO DO SOME RESEARCH! PLEASE! have mixed up Cro Magnon and Neanderthals. Cro-Magnons are Home-Sapiens -Sapiens...They are us...though a bit more robust. We have grown more gracile through the effects of civilization. In other words we are domesticated Cro-Magnon's
Not to mention that Cro-Magnons were probably better looking than us, and definitely stronger and smarter...with 5% bigger brains.
greatest compliment you could get is for someone to tell you you are a modern Cro-Magnon.
finns are most related to cro-magnon humans. in terms of skull structure. im very proud of it. finns, saami peoples and basks are most related. as we are one of the oldest peoples in europe now days. some one can proove against that. our unique language is also proove. if there is "vice" man reading my comment. i suggest you to take more look to finland. look peoples. anyway as peoples finns are one of the purest peoples in europe. and there is old u5 gene in finnish motherlines. oldest gene that exist anymore...
finns are most related to cro-magnon humans. in terms of skull structure. im very proud of it. finns, saami peoples and basks are most related. as we are one of the oldest peoples in europe now days. some one can proove against that. our unique language is also proove. if there is "vice" man reading my comment. i suggest you to take more look to finland. look peoples. anyway as peoples finns are one of the purest peoples in europe. and there is old u5 gene in finnish motherlines. oldest gene that exist anymore...
Call me Jared
Cro Magnons have not different type of DNA. 2 CM women had an N mtDNA type and it appears that was the type of that ancient race. CMs do live today, or more precisely their succesors. The N mtDNA type is an Levantine very common haplogroup, while in Europe it was largely but not completly replaced by indo-europeans. CM are perfect modern humans, both anatomically and genetically, they are more ancient modern humans. Proving that CMs are living today doesn't argue with either evolutionist, creationist or intelligent design model. By the contrary, it is very plausible that they left traces in the modern genetic pool. It's just that the example is... let's not say a bad one, but a "poetic" one, so not such a proof from an image of a person: it would have to be checked genetically!
Finns are the people closest to Cro-Magnons. Of course there are primitive-looking Homo Sapiens, just look at most Africans, that doesn't mean they aren't part of the Homo Sapiens species.
Its Neanderthal. Cro-magnons are modern humans. Geeeez....
If you really want to initiate a great discussion about this topic, you can do it at Great place to talk genetics, history, etc.
Darn why can't you see on this blog how old a post is? I could be reacting on shit coming from the cro-mag period!
Anyhow you're making a mistake. This dude looks more like a Neanderthal and yes, homo-sapiens has 5% of their genome but some guys and girls look like it's a heck more.
Also it's no coincidence that some of the ladies here call him cute. It's the instincts originating from your Hintbrain that wants you to have sex with big strong looking guys with a healthy genepool.
This Neanderthal looks cute too:
checkout "kannadasan" "mammootty"
nice post. for all of you that cannot see that this is a joke you have indeed proved Neanderthal man does exist!
Anybody who says "I might possibly believe the Earth to be young" is in no position to accuse other humans of being primitive. We modern humans know with certainty that the Earth is more than a few thousand years old. (And those who remember the anthropology we learned in school know that Cro Magnon = Homo sapiens = us.)
found accidentaly your blog, but what really calls up our attention are the comments of stupid people with an unbelieveble lack of sense of humor , still discribing cro-magnons and arguing as if what you wrote were completely serious.
these are the sons of uncle sam
You say tomato I say tamato,you say Cro magnon I say Neanderthal,
lets call the whole game off.
lol imagine that, an entire branch of science founded on the chance findings of a few skulls of people who looked fucked up.
Y'all do know that Neanderthal man was found to be just an old man suffering from arthritis right. He was a Homo Sapien just like we are... or at least most of us.
finn females are one of the easiest ones. Just go to a bar in finland and focus on a drinking woman after some couple of drinks you can invite her to your bed very easy. finn women are more cheaper than Russian and Ukranian girls you have to pay a lot of money for Russian and Ukranian ladies. For finn women just buy her a couple of drinks. So KEKE THERE S NO REASON TO BE PROUD OF YOURSELF FOR BEİNG A FINN BECAUSE SCİENCE TODAY PROVED THAT THE ADMİXTURE OF NEANDERTHAL GENOME IN FINNS ARE MUCH MORE HİGHER THAN ANY OTHER ARCHAİC POPULATIONS SUCH AS BERBER URALİC UGROIC AND BASQUES. finn women choose to fuck with Neanderthal males than fucking with Cro Magnon ( also means modern human there s a misunderstanding here Cro Magnons are us modern humans).
I love how people think this guy is serious and get mad about it. Its a joke guys, chill out. (Even if its not a joke theres no need to be so aggro).
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