My Mind News

This is my brain. I'm pretty sure it's not on drugs.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Fuck Your Rules

What is this that I'm hearing once again? Yet another soldier is coming under fire for doing what? Shooting a wounded Iraqi solider!?!?!

Now that is some bullshit. But guess probably think I'm referring to the soldier that was on some bullshit. But my friend. You are wrong. Though I am not for this war, it's beginning to grow on me a bit. I'm past the angry stage. I'm past the tired of hearing it all stage. Now I'm slipping into a "love the one you're with" stage. Who knows how long it will last, but I'm going to continue to roll with it for the time being.

Anywho, back on track. Let me understand things correctly. Soldier had a shoot out with some Iraqis that were in a Mosque. A Mosque. correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that like some holy ground for the Muslims. During bombing raids we do our best to avoid such structures and these insurgent fools use that as some base of resistance.

So now we have these Iraqis in the building. And they are shooting at our soldiers. With real bullets from real guns mind you. Meaning, someone could die. After all, 34 soldiers died during this seige on Fallujah and it didn't happen by spontaneous combustion. These boys were killed, with the same types of weapons that these Mosque hidden Iraqis were using against the soldiers that were outside.

Naturally our boys are going to shoot back. And shoot back they did. And boy oh boy did they do some damage to the Iraqis. Damn near killed them all. And this wasn't just for fun. These guys were fighting for their lives. The blood must have been flowing 60 miles per hour through their bodies.

So they rush the building and start doing a search. A camera crew follows in. A soldier sees some Iraqis lying on the floor near the wall, and he suspects that the Iraqi was faking death, so he shoots the body making sure it was dead.

Now he might get into trouble. Again, let me say....THAT IS SOME BULLSHIT.

Do I really need to do a recap here? That Iraqi was trying to kill our boys. With real weapons loaded with real bullets. Last I checked, these fuckers weren't the kind to respect our wounded. From the reports I get, they kidnap innocent people and cut their heads off.

So you know what? Fuck the Rules. Fuck them All. For those that make such stupid rules, you should be the first to go out in the front lines of war and tell me about some rules. Yeah, we'll seen then what kind of rules you're going to make up.

Is it only because the news got it on film? Is this just another publicity stunt? Granted, there was some wrong doing on the soldier's parts when they abused those soldiers in the jails a few months back. But can I really blame them? Can you? Odds are just like me, you've never been in war. Who's to say you wouldn't do the same under similar situations?

Last I heard, both George Bush and John Kerry agreed on one thing during their campaign. They were going to hunt and kill those terrorists where ever they are.

Did we so quickly forget that?


Blogger Loser said...

So might is right?

America attacked Iraq
American boys, whatever they do, is justified
Iraqi resist, its bad?
American kill ppl, its good?

Which country war is happening? Who attacked who?

2005 is the year of another....thats all I'm gonna tell.

12:04 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

How exactly is your line of questioning in relation to my blog post?

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting post. thanks for saying what the rest of us are thinking!

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MO sounds like he/she is threatening
another terrorist attack in 2005?!

11:50 AM  
Blogger Loser said...

I'm threatening? Yet I am using my, well pesuduname which many ppl know who I am. And you post ananoymously. My name is Imran btw.

2005 => Heard latest "Tape" from, you know who I am talking about?

And "who" is threatining "who", isn't it US threatining every one to attack with or without reason? They are still the only one who used Nuclear weapons.

12:42 AM  

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